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How to get rid of teenage spots

Many teenagers suffer from spots and this can have a major impact on their self-confidence. Although it is a difficult skin problem to treat, you can considerably reduce spots with the best skincare for teenage acne.

A skincare routine for teenage acne

Treating spots and pimples is no different for a 15 year old than for a 50 old; age is not a skin type! Unfortunately, however, most skincare products for teenagers contain unnecessary irritants that only lead to oilier skin and cause even more spots. Skin problems are distressing for anyone at any age, but acne can be particularly disastrous for a teenager.

What is the best skincare for teenage acne?

If you’re suffering with teenage spots, it is essential to have a simple skincare routine that consists of these four steps:

Step 1: Use a mild cleanser

Wash your face twice a day with a gentle, water-soluble cleanser. For example: Paula's Choice Clear Pore Normalizing Cleanser. Avoid solid soaps, as they dry out skin and can also block pores.

Step 2: Best exfoliant for teenage skin

One proven cause of spots and blackheads is the accumulation of dead skin cells. This blocks pores and causes them to become enlarged, which causes sebum build-up and leads to spots. The best way to remove dead skin cells is to exfoliate with a product that contains salicylic acid (BHA): one of the best spot treatments for teenage skin. Try Paula's Choice Clear Regular Strength 2% BHA Exfoliant. Apply every other day and note your skin's response. Then use up to twice daily. BHA exfoliates inside the pores, as well as the surface of the skin. Plus, it is anti-inflammatory and prevents redness. Do not use aggressive scrubs with coarse grains, as these will damage the skin and make the problem worse.

Step 3: Benzoyl peroxide: is it the best cream for teenage spots?

Study after study has shown that benzoyl peroxide kills ‘Propionibacterium acnes’, one of the bacteria that causes acne and spots. This is often viewed as the best spot treatment for teenage skin and it is certainly the most effective over-the-counter option. You can also try Paula’s Choice Clear Daily Skin Clearing Treatment + BHA. It contains azelaic acid, which can be a good alternative for people who have problems with spots and are oversensitive to benzoyl peroxide.

Step 4: Protect your skin from sun damage

Skin cannot heal spots if it is fighting daily sun damage at the same time. Using a light day cream with an SPF of at least 30 accelerates the healing process and protects the skin from further damage. And base makeup with a sunscreen offers good protection too. You can also help oily skin by removing excessive sebum with oil-absorbing tissues and by occasionally using a mild clay mask. It is also advisable to avoid products that are too emollient. And use lightweight day and night creams that will not block the pores.

What are the best products for teenage acne?

So what else can you do? What is the best thing for teenage spots? Well, along with having a regular skincare routine, it is essential to find out your skin type to ensure you are choosing products that are best suited to it. Many people who suffer with acne have oily or combination skin, so a lot of the best products for teenage acne are designed to work well for these skin types. For example: Paula’s Choice Clear Oil-Free Moisturizer or Paula’s Choice Clear Strength Set. Once you are sure of your skin type, you can to combine skincare from different brands to find out what works best for you. But do watch out for irritating ingredients, or products that make your skin tingle, as these don’t help. In fact, they will just make the problem worse.

You should also leave your spots alone. Don’t pick at or squeeze them as that could cause scarring and make your skin look or feel worse than it already does. If you can’t resist, then do it very carefully and wash your hands first. And finally, if you haven’t seen any improvement within six months of starting a consistent skincare routine, consult a dermatologist for prescribed medication.

Why do teenage spots and blackheads occur?

  • OVERACTIVE HORMONES. During puberty, the body produces excessive amounts of hormones, especially androgens, which stimulate sebum production. The more oil produced in the pores, the greater the chance they will become blocked. Propionibacterium acnes bacteria causes infections, which in turn creates inflamed, swollen spots.
  • Inadequate facial cleansing. Forgetting to wash your face is not the cause of spots and blackheads, but if you don’t wash your face twice a day, dead skin cells, sebum, sunscreen and makeup can accumulate, which blocks the pores and worsens your skin problems.
  • Exposure to irritating ingredients. Alcohol, menthol, camphor, eucalyptus and fragrances (perfumes) can cause inflammation. These stimulate sebum production, increasing the number of spots. So avoid these irritating ingredients.
  • Using a day and night cream, face mask, foundation or concealer that blocks the pores. Some people use several layers of makeup containing ingredients that block the pores, such as a concealer and other cream-based products.
  • Erratic skincare routine. The secret to better skin is to stick to a consistent, effective skincare routine. Although it is impossible to cure acne, you can keep spots under control by using the right products. Consistent skincare and patience are vital.
  • Hair care products. Gel, mousse, hair oil or hairspray can cause spots if they come into contact with the skin. Keep your hair off your face and use fewer, or different, hairstyling products.

There are all kinds of myths about spots and pimples. Despite what people say, you can’t scrub away small spots or get rid of them by sunbathing. They are not contagious. And you don’t get spots from chocolate or fatty foods. Your diet only plays a role if you have allergies or intolerances to certain foods (eg lactose, gluten, nuts and some types of fish).


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